Throughout France, discover our luxury accomodation
Adresses exclusives has selected for you the best of luxury guesthouses in all regions of France, aiming to give you the assurance of a perfect holiday. Our luxury guest houses offer a warm welcome on arrival offering tasteful elegant and refined decor. Our Chambres d’hôtes excel due to the quality of their professional, courteous service and attention to detail.
The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Provence & Corsica Region
Stay in a region full of traditional charm, elegant and luxurious.
The Brittany & Normandie Region
Stay in a region whose natural wealth combines the beauty of the landscapes with traditions and history.
The Loire Valley Region
Stay surrounded by the remarkable heritage of the Loire Valley.
The Paris Area - The North-Eastern & Burgundy Regions
Stay around the heritage of the Île-de-France, the nature of North of France or between the calm and the vineyards of Eastern France.
The Occitanie & the Southwest of France Region
Stay around the beauty of the Southwest and the nature of the Occitanie.